Free Massage

Group Massage Trade (Session is Full)


Date & time Nov 14 '2022, 7:00 PM
Event ends Nov 14 '2022, 9:30 PM
Battery St, San Francisco, CA, USA
Creator Andre Santiago


Who's attending

Andre Santiago
Eric Peter
Mike G. - Please read entire profile ;-)


Group Massage Trade (Session is Full)

Thanks everyone! This session is full! (Stay tuned more will be scheduled.)

Hello Everyone - While we enjoy 1-1 trading through the Massage Club, group massage can be a wonderful experience - being among a group of like-minded men interested in sharing, giving and getting touch. There's camaraderie, stress relief and a level of intimacy and fun that can be healing for our minds and bodies. Send me a message and I'll send more details of how it will work. We will have 2 tables and up to 6 MC members. I'll demonstrate some basic massage techniques to get us started. Message me with any questions.

Please let me know you plan to attend by clicking "I'm Attending" above. I am in the Gateway Apartments - we'll gather between 7 and 7:30 and at 7:30 we will start the trade, there will be wine and light snacks. I'll DM you with the address.  Cheers!

The Wall

Mike G. - Please read entire profile ;-)
Oct 28 '2022, 5:13 PM
Im definitely interested! I would love to participate if there is a spot available. Mike
Oct 30 '2022, 1:06 PM
How's parking? Are participants vaxed?
Andre Santiago
Oct 31 '2022, 8:23 AM
Hi! sorry for the delay posting on here, got back from a trip and this trade is for tomorrow. I'm in the FiDi near the Ferry Building, so parking on the street is generally good at 7pm, no meters. Many folks are vaxxed for both MPX and Covid, I'm not making it a requirement. But I'm interested in setting up vaxxed parties. I'm mostly monitoring the environment and will ask folks to screen and attest. I'll invite you all with details later today, and let me know any concerns or questions by messaging me directly. Cheers! Happy Halloween!Hi! sorry for the delay posting on here, got back from a trip and this trade is for tomorrow. I'm in the FiDi near the Ferry Building, so parking on the street is generally good at 7pm, no meters. Man...See more
Eric Peter
Oct 31 '2022, 9:27 AM
I'm in! Maybe Maurice too. I'll DM you, Andre, to see if there's room for Mo
Eric Peter
Oct 31 '2022, 9:36 AM
P.S. We're both COVID vaxxed and boosted, and I've had both MPX shots. Mo gets his second MPX shot Wednesday. (And we both had the smallpox vaccine as kids)
Eric Peter
Oct 31 '2022, 10:00 AM
Cliff, I usually find a parking place pretty easily within a few blocks at that time of evening, 6:30 - 7:30. (Not before 6pm tho, when tow-away zones end)
Eric Peter
Nov 1 '2022, 5:17 PM
Update: Maurice will not join us tonight after all. I will see you at 7'ish!
Mike G. - Please read entire profile ;-)
Nov 9 '2022, 8:11 PM
Ill be there on the 14th if there is space for me?
Marc D
Nov 29 '2022, 2:47 PM
Please keep me posted for the ext one. Very interested.
Apr 4 '2023, 10:34 AM
next time , please invite me.
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