Free Massage

September Salon: Monkeypox and the Professional Massage


Date & time Sep 13 '2022, 7:00 PM
San Francisco, CA, USA
Creator Joe


Who's attending

Oscar Velásquez
Andre Santiago


September Salon: Monkeypox and the Professional Massage

The September salon will be in-person in San Francisco as well as via ZOOM. We send out the address or the ZOOM link to those who have a confirmed reservation 24 hours prior to the event.

You can RSVP for this event by emailing Joe at MassageClub@Bodywork.Exchange Indicate in your message if you'd prefer to attend via ZOOM.

We do our best to accommodate everyone but space is limited. Organizing these events can be complicated. If you RSVP and your plans change, we ask that you notify us as early as possible. This enables us to clear someone who is next in line on the waiting list. Thanks for understanding.

We’ll gather at 7:00 PM and at 7:32 we’ll turn off our phones, open ZOOM and focus on the theme for the evening. 

In-person space is limited. RSVP early to ensure a spot.

The Massage Club Salons are based on the salons of Early Modern Revolutionary France. These gatherings played an integral role in the cultural and intellectual development of France. The salons were seen by contemporary writers as a cultural hub responsible for the dissemination of good manners and sociability. It was not merely manners that the salons spread, but also ideas, as the salons became a center of intellectual conversation, as well as a debate stage for social issues.

The Wall

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